Thursday, April 13, 2017

merit badge brooch

I have a merit badge in….. (three-week project)

Assignment Brief:  
Use digital fabrication tools to create a merit badge that builds a narrative, creates social awareness or commemorates an event.

Learning outcomes:              
Students will learn Adobe Illustrator, a laser cutter/engraver and traditional hand skills to make a wearable badge/brooch 

Skills list:                    
Vector tracing images from digital photos
Illustrator: Grid, scale, units, rulers, RGB versus CMYK, printing to regular inkjet printers
Illustrator: Importing images, Image tracing, vector shapes, brushes, scatter brush, layers, re-sizing and layout tools
Laser cutter:  what materials can be cut?
CO-works/Bank building: learning a workflow for using the bank building and co-works
Pin backs and prong settings

 You must have an etched component (using the vinyl cutter, laser engraver).

Tell a story in five words or less.  Uses identifiable symbols to create combinations that support your concept.


Icons/ logos
Family crests
Merit badges
Military medals
Police badges
Car medallions
Commemorative coins
Maker’s marks
Road signage
Ikea directions
Mason symbols
Architectural details


How can symbol combining create a narrative?
How big can a piece be before it becomes a brooch/badge/medal?
How can material inform your concept?
How can simplifying imagery support a piece?
How can it take away (think contrast or symmetry)?
How can framing and layering silhouettes create dimension in a piece.
Can a personal narrative be universally understood?
Where does your piece fit in the cannon of jewelry?


You have to have at least four layers
You have to use a laser cut component
You have to have a pin stem (double or single)  

Reliquary of the jaw of St. Anthony. Basilica di

Santo Antonio, Padua. 1349

Becky McDonah, reliquary for ear plugs

Jack Cunningham, 'The Great Barrier'

status update

What you should have done: Photomontage/First blog post Vinyl project/images Fold up brooch sample/ hydraulic die ...